Awesome shade

Look at this awesome awesome shade!! You can't even see my eyes! :D My scar is fully visible too.

Suu xxx


Hi guys! Just came back from a scout sleepover and the local celebrations. I won a 2000 g Marabou at the celebrations. BANZAI! (means "hurray" in Japanese). Here are some random pics then:

My bag

What can I say? Me asleep

Me with the Marabou. I'm wearing different socks and have a knife attached to my jeans :D

Lol, bet he was proud xD

Suu xxx

A sample of my life

Picture number uno is me cosplaying my idol, Sila Gencoglu. Nat and I had so much fun doing that.

/Suu xxx

Language change

Hi guys! It was long ago I posted anything now. I'm so so so sorry for that! I've decided that, since I have so many acquiantances that don't understand Swedish, I will swap to English. I will try to be as active as possible from now on.
In the next update, that will be posted moments after this, there will be some pictures I have on my new computer. This is upon an old request. There's not much more to say. Long live, Everyday Star!! :D

/Suu xxx

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