Illerpiraten Romsca

Jo, när jag läste Lutras pärlor så lyckades en av piraterna bli min favorit, nämligen illern Romsca. Gissa vem som började gråta när Romsca dog? Svar: JAG!!! Jag hittade lite fakta om Romsca på engelska på hemsidan  . (För de som är medlem på Redwall Wiki: där är mitt användarnamn Skyviva Redwaaall)

Romsca was a female ferret corsair and the captain of the Waveworm. She was Conva's first mate and became captain after his death. At the request of Ublaz Mad Eyes, she and her crew escorted Lask Frildur and a score of his monitor lizards across the western sea to Mossflower Woods in search of the Tears of all Oceans. Since the Pearls were within the walls of Redwall Abbey and had not yet been discovered, Lask captured Abbot Durral for ransom, and Romsca sailed the Waveworm back to Sampetra with the captive.

However, Lask and Romsca despised one another, and the rivalry grew to a peak on the return voyage. Lask and his lizards were needlessly cruel to old Durral, and Romsca befriended the mouse abbot and protected him from the evil lizards. She ended up fighting Lask to the death, and her crew and the monitor lizards completely killed each other. Romsca slew Lask, but her injuries were too severe and she died from a horrific wound across her spine. Durral, the last other creature on board, tended to Romsca before her death and listened to her confessions of wishing that she could have been a goodbeast. She also gave him instructions on how to sail the ship back to Sampetra, as it was too late to turn around.

Romsca is known as one of Jacques' most interesting, well-written and popular grey characters.

R.I.P. Romsca <3


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